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Monday, October 5, 2015

4 Things That Will Make Your Lips Irresistible

When you live in a warm country (like I did) You don't have to worry about chap lips. You never had to have a chap-stick on you at all times; but ever since I moved from Warm Puerto Rico to cold Rhode Island I learned that here you ALWAYS have to have chap-stick on you at all times (you get use to it) But sometimes lip balm is not enough. I'm going to tell you what I do to get my lips to stay smooth all year round no matter the weather and just in time for V-Day!!

The first thing it's kind of obvious Lip Balm, Baby Lips to be more accurate.
 I have tried a lot of  lip balms over the past 3 years and a half and I can honestly say I did not like any of them EOS included. Baby Lips are the only lip balm that actually worked for me. Also this is the only lip balm I actually never lost true story. They actually just came out with a new line which is call Baby Lips Dr.Rescue which is stronger and the best part its all in pastels, which is my current obsession.

When lip balm alone doesn't help I do somethings at home which help really well.
1.Brush your lips that's the best way to get rid of  the dead skin.
2.Apply honey and glycerin  to keep them soft.
3. Mix honey plus sugar, apply on your lips and let it dry.Rinse it off with wet towel.

These are the way that I keep my lips smooth all year long try some of them and find out what works for you. If you have some ways to keep your lips healthy that I didn't mention I would love to know about it you can find my link in the navigation bar or just comment.